Monday 27 July 2009

chapter ends

Here where we depart my friend. Today at this moment we take different paths two that will never come across again and will never be joined. Here now where we stand is the end. Where everything has began has ended at the same place. Memories will be erased and feelings will fade away. They would simply be put away for good and considered as a fairy tale to be told the tape will be re-winded three years . ( at least for me)
Am not really sure how would i respond to such a situation cause having you around for three years made me accustomed to running to you for advice, or simply to talk. Whatever your position was i always found strength in you and happiness in everything u gave me. I know that my heart is so empty right now and so bare , feeling that the chapter has ended and that you have gone on your own way leaving me at the side way facing the opposite direction not being able to look back and not being able to walk ahead.
But here where we depart my friend, my mentor, my guide and my lover. My strength my helper and my back. I wish you would tremble, fall or look back, i wish u would come back even to touch me or to walk beside me but deep down i wish the best for u in life, wish u happiness and joy, wish u peace of mind and heart wish that u would be given love and passion .
I leave you now in search for you AIN love and from this moment i set u free. So those are my last words.


  1. Possibly the best thing you've ever written. touched.

  2. :)maybe cause it was written from the heart
